A Different Way to Wifi Part 2: Basics and Stages
In my last post, I talked about what you need to get started building out your wifi network. The main points were adequate switching and some basic network services like dhcp. But the most important...
View ArticleThe Immutable String
One theme I see often on StackOverflow is that someone will post a question related to strings, and someone or several someones else will come along and say, “You can’t; strings are immutable.” This is...
View ArticleMattress Shopping
Something non-computer-related today. My wife and I recently decided to spend some windfall money replacing our 30-year-old top mattress. Yeah. I wanted to record some of the things I found in shopping...
View ArticleSecure WiFi is Broken
Today, I’m offering you a challenge. Go out and find a public wifi network that offers encryption without making you log in. I dare you. Unfortunately, this endeavor is doomed to failure. WiFi as it...
View ArticleIssues with HTC 8x 8.1 Upgrade
I have an HTC 8x phone on a Verizon MVNO (Page Plus). Today, I was excited to see that the Windows Phone 8.1 update was finally available for my device. That excitement was to be short-lived. As the...
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